About us

New Leaves Urban Reform is the result of human society colliding with nature, and a representation of the resolve of those who want to make it make better.

Currently we are focusing on urban waste removal and raising environmental awareness. One of our biggest goals is to educate individuals about the importance of natural ecosystems that converge with urbanized areas.

At New Leaves Urban Reform we hold a shared belief that the great American wilderness is beautiful, awe-inspiring, and worth fighting for.

We also believe that each and every square inch of this wilderness should be safe, clean, and available to everyone.

In efforts to make these beliefs into reality New Leaves Urban Reform is launching a foundational volunteer program, using traditional methods of waste management and social outreach in ways never seen before in this field.

New Leaves Urban Reform will tackle all environmental issues regardless the size or nature of the situation. By following a three step guide, we will host volunteer events to assist major cities in America with proper waste management.

1. Educate individuals about environmental issues and critically impacted habitats that exists right within their own communities.

2. Implement proper methods of waste management and the safe removal of debris and refuse.

3. Get everyone involved until the job is done.

Together we will change not only the way that urbanized communities and major cities look on the outside but also the way that things such as waste management, recycling, and environmental awareness are talked about and reflected upon the inside.